Coming mid September!


“I've been healing my body with fitness, however I have been reaching a plateau.
Through the Light Transmission from Nattacia [in the Healing Circle], good things have come to Light. I was given visions of my eating, with sugar but moreso with what I have been repressing with my emotions, and not letting go into the Light. It is stuck in my body in density. One memory after the other experienced- not feeling good enough, ingesting other people's low emotions projected to me at work, having to look a certain way, etc. these were coming into my vision. Each I acknowledged and let go into the Light. I'm going to go about a sugar cleanse, as I am already shifting my nutrition...
The biggest insight was that I also repressed and denied my healing gifts. I was told to me, they were passed down by my ancestor grandmother. Not that I didn't want to share to help others but like most Lightworkers- probably had experiences of injustice and feeling hurt projected by others in being empathic. So, I can understand that the body is its own emotional ocean to harmonize...
I am so grateful that through this circle, I am learning tools to accept myself wholly and live life in Love and Light.” ~ Lea May Rivera, Artist ~ June '24
“Incredible! The healing circle yesterday was so nourishing. You so calmly led me through the session and while a subconscious block was released through a set of sounds, I was held and loved by the another set of frequencies. I was most definitely grounded in a higher frequency and your work is beyond words. I recommend your healing circle to anyone who is receptive to energy and wants to elevate in a very safe and loving space. Your role as a grid worker and a guide for light workers is so apparent and clear. Thank you Nattacia. I am not surprised that I met you - however, I am overwhelmingly grateful.” ~ Sonali Saraswati, Inner Alignment & Empowerment Coach
“Nattacia's divine energetic connection is magical. Her powerful energies bless anyone who experiences her magic, whether in her "Healing Circle" or her private mentorship. I experienced a rapid healing of 2 cracked ribs after working with her. If you need deep, divinely guided support, Nattacia is a wonderful resource.” ~ Virginia Parsons, CEO at Media Spotlight Marketing
“I have recently joined Nattacia's Healing Circle. Her transmissions cut to the core everytime and resonate at a very deep cellular level. It is magical! I have more clarity and my creative writing is coming along nicely too. Thanks to Nattacia for sharing her amazing gifts with the world and for holding such a safe and loving space. I highly recommend.” ~ Fiona Helen, Author, Automatic Writing
“Every time I experience Nattacia's transmissions, I feel it resonate in my core. It's such deep and profound work! For me, the outward manifestations are subtle but I can sense the energetic shifts throughout my being.” ~ Lauri McKean, Breathwork Facilitator
“Nattacia Satie’s gifts and Healing Circle are so ethereal, beautiful and nourishing. In attending a session, I had blocks to my vision and creativity on concepting a painting. Through the high frequency session, I gained clarity on what I needed to do and the emotion I wanted to evoke. I became stronger and aligned with my light body. Thank you Nattacia for being a sacred channel and sharing your heavenly gifts that we may embody the best version of ourselves. Blessings, prayers, love, light, peace and all the success always!!!” ~ Lea May, Painter/Designer
“What an amazing and profound healer !!! As a professional intuitive healer I find these weekly meetings exactly what I need to completely reboot, recharge and realign all my energies after a hard week of transmuting the global energies! I highly recommend these beautiful profound and most beneficial sound healing circles to anyone who is looking to feel better emotionally, spiritually and physically! Beyond transcendent!” ~ Malinda Fisher, Transdimensional Therapist
“I have been attending the Healing Circle for 4-5 months, and I feel lighter. Working with Nattacia and utilizing techniques such as Compassion Key has helped me enhance my intuitive gifts and witness miracles for my clients faster and with more ease. It’s a magical and incredibly supportive experience! Nattacia is amazing!” ~ Olga Kravets, MS, PA-C, CH, GCFP
“This is such an amazing and powerful healing session! As a professional light worker it is a great way to reboot and recalibrate the week of energies. Every time I join the circle I come out feeling renewed and depending on my intent healed of different physical ailments I've set my intentions to. I would highly recommend this to anybody who really wants to align with their souls through mission!” ~ Malinda Fisher, Lightwarrior
“Absolutely beautiful! I experienced this in person and it was fantastic. Nattacia Satie is a gifted healer and channel. Her healing sessions help clear negative energy from my field. I feel fortunate to have connected with Nattacia!” ~ Sandra Mather, Neuroscientist, Healing through Food
“As an empath and a light worker working with advanced visualizations and transformative meditations sometimes I'm struggling to transmute low energies in my daily life.
When I met Nattacia I was immediately drawn to her, I sensed her energy is special.
I have been attending a Healing Circle for more than a month and every time during and after a Healing Circle I experienced physical, emotional, mental and spiritual shifts. Several times I was not feeling well, struggling with low energies physicaly and emotionally, and I wanted to skip the Healing session. Nattacia reassured me to attend anyway, and then I had the biggest shifts. My physical pain disappeared and my emotional and spiritual state transformed from depression and anxiety to joy and happiness!
Usually before a Healing Circle I feel tired, because it starts late in the evening for me, but after a Healing session with Nattacia I'm always full of energy, joy, high vibrations, motivation, enthusiasm...I dance through the house, my mind is full of ideas and I write until late at night. My energy is totally transformed!
Nattacia is a special soul, emanating joy and enthusiasm to everyone around her. She is lifting up energies and vibrations. Her work is deep and profound. Healing with sound vibrations is a special way of healing, recognized in the world.
I highly recommend to give yourself a chance to experience a Healing Circle with Nattacia, you might experience a miracle.” ~ Diyana Krajina, Multidimensional Meditation Coach
​​🌟Angelic high frequency vibrations are being transmitted thru Nattacia’s voice🌟 and her hands 🌟via the Quantum Field into each participant’s bodies for clearing, transmuting, and activating each their Self-Healing abilities by activating their Light bodies.🌟 This is all channeled. Nattacia is in an altered state and allows Love & Light energies of the Higher Angelic realms to come thru, with whom she has an agreement of service.🌟Even though Nattacia was activated in 1988 and has been developing since then, there is more developing… in particular what is now referred to as Light Language is coming thru more and more, her hands dancing with spoken Light language …🌟it is evolving with more and more clarity and alignment.🌟Read up more about Nattacia's healing gifts HERE.
The tones go into your cells and restructure them. The more water you drink 1-2 days beforehand, the more you benefit.
Your mental, emotional, physical, and spiritual bodies are cleared of old stuck energies and blocks.
The high frequency tones slow down the aging process, rejuvenate the body, and speed up healing
With the healing vibrations of Nattacia's voice combined with those of her Crystal Singing Bowls, you'll travel thru time and space on the rhythms and harmonizing melodies of the Ancients - Nattacia's and your Spirit Guides - in a deeply healing Sound Immersion Journey, often interlaced with succinct verbal messages.
Your frequencies are raised and uplifted to a lighter plateau
You are activated in your Light body with Pure Love frequency
You comfortably lie down, wearing comfy clothes, loosen belts, covered with blanket, temperature might drop with relaxation, eyes closed.
You state your CLEAR INTENT, then let it go. Shifts will happen, as much as you're open to change.
The event unfolds in sacred magic, where Nattacia sends tones with her voice and plays the crystal bowls. You might have visions, see colors, shapes, space and time travel, receive messages. Nattacia sends healing and activating energy via her hands remotely.
When the Sound Frequency Transmission is complete, you will set a clear intent to remember your experience, once you open your eyes, and Nattacia will gently bring you back.
Nattacia is a catalyst for change, so, expect powerful positive shifts to wellbeing and abundant flow in your life.
The experience is deeply healing.
If you worked thru deep issues and let go of very old energies, you might be integrating for a few days up to two weeks after each session. This means, you could cry a lot, experience loss and deep sadness, go through deep grieving. Allow the energies to flow through you. And know, it is temporary and eventually freeing you. Be gentle and kind to yourself, drink plenty of pure water, allow more rest and sleep than usual. Journaling is helpful. Once integration is complete, you will feel light and calm, empowered, changed, brand-new.
With each session you have the opportunity to shift away from your base and higher into your heart, moving from fear- to love-based living. This is how your Light body and heart are activated. You will feel your heart connection to all. Deep compassion arises.
The suggestions and recommendations you’ll receive during your sessions with Nattacia Satie are provided to you only as general information. Nattacia Satie does not provide medical diagnosis or cure in regards to health and medical or psychological issues. The Sound & Energy Healing provided is an alternative healing method, and although there is evidence that Nattacia’s practices are effective in treating physical, mental, emotional and spiritual conditions, the method is considered alternative and complementary by Western health care professionals. Nattacia Satie is NOT a medical doctor and cannot and will not provide you with any kind of medical care, treatment, or diagnosis regarding your physical health or the wellbeing of your body. Nattacia Satie is not a substitute for medical or psychological treatment from licensed and registered healthcare professionals. You should seek professional medical advice before making any health decision. You are responsible for your own wellbeing and health. Any information, stories, examples, or testimonials provided do not constitute a warranty, guarantee, or prediction regarding the result of a Sound & Energy Healing with Nattacia Satie. All sales are final. By booking, attending or participating in a series of Sound & Energy Healing sessions or groups with Nattacia Satie, and viewing this website, you agree to fully release, indemnify, and hold harmless Nattacia Satie and others associated with her, from any claim or liability whatsoever.